Alisa Perova

Designer Alisa Perova

Photographer Foto VdEnde

Alisa Perova

Photographer LaCroix Photo

Interview for the Misfit Wedding (website about alternative weddings)

Can you please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re from and what you do?

I’m Alisa Perova, a designer of Alice Corsets. I currently live and work in Cardano al Campo, near Milan, Italy. I create gowns and costumes for alternative weddings, gothic events like the biggest in the world WGT, Venice Carnival, LOJ Masquerade ball, historical and costume balls. I was born into an artistic family which in a certain way predicted my profession in the future, leaving me no other chances. When I was studying at university my favorite subjects were history of fashion, constructing of clothes and theatrical costumes. At the same time I was learning to sew everything, including corsets

Alisa Perova

Designer Alisa Perova

Photographer Foto VdEnde

How long have you been doing this, where did it all begin?

In 2006 I first posted the pictures of my works on my LiveJournal blog and started to receive feedback and orders, that’s how I got my first clients, some of whom I still work with and have even become friends with. Since then I have changed my style of working several times. I created historical gowns, different types of corsets, gothic clothes (casual and for special occasions) and even dresses inspired by 50s and rockabilly fashion. During 17 years of experiments I was learning to understand what was my real passion and what I like to do more than anything else and that is how I came up to Haute Goth style in fashion. I admire dark aesthetic and decadence which is close to my inner understanding of beauty.

What inspires your work?

The distinctive features of my dresses and corsets I found in mixing modern cut with the elements of historical fashion. I prefer to use feathers and skulls, various occult and magical symbols (like in my Night Goddess dress). For example, in one of my projects called The Bleeding Swan, I was trying to create the effect of dropping blood with crystal beads of bloody red color. Haute couture inspires me a lot, I’m a big fan of Alexander McQueen brand. The art of the Pre-Raphaelites, fantasy movies, vampire theme and period dramas are a huge inspiration for me too.

Can you tell us a bit about your work process?

Usually I receive orders from my customers via my website, social medias or my Etsy shop. We discuss the actual design of the dress, exchange some pictures, set the budget and the date when I can start the work. Because I have a lot of orders any new one I have to put in the waiting list, which can be anywhere from two to six months. During that time I choose fitting fabrics and other materials for work. Usually I ask for measurements right before we start the sewing.

Alisa Perova

Photographer LaCroix Photo

Which or your items/styles are most popular?

The majority of my customers are alternative brides and dark fairytale red or black dresses and capes I make are very popular among them. In 2016 I shared on Instagram a photo of my Night Goddess gown. Very quickly it spread all over the Internet and became extremely popular among brides. I have no words to express how happy I am because of that, as it is my favorite of my creations.

What makes Alice Corsets stand out from the crowd?

I think that I managed to develop my own recognisable style, which has become my trademark and maybe even brand, if you wish. Sometimes I get letters from girls who want to order the dress for a wedding, prom, or the festival and who say they absolutely trust my taste and I can create a dress based purely on my vision and taste. The most beautiful thing in my work is to know the fact that my client trusts me completely. I take orders not only for my existing dress designs but I can also embody the wishes of the customer in a new unique design. Moreover, I guarantee high quality, precise work and attention to details.

Do you have any tips or advice for brides planning an alternative wedding?

First of all I would like to advise future brides to start the search of a designer for their wedding dress as soon as possible. There are not too many of designers who create alternative wedding dresses and usually they are booked for a few months ahead. It is very important to have the agreement and to get your dress on time.
And most importantly, don’t be afraid of your desires and make your wedding the wedding of YOUR dreams. That is your day, and it will forever remain in your memory. Also, I am sure that many couples will want to repeat the tradition on their every anniversary.

I am very pleased that more and more people spend their wedding ceremony in the non-traditional themes and brides bring colors in their dresses, that there are such interesting and useful pages online where the couples can find a lot of useful information, and designers can present themselves and their artworks. I’m happy to be involved in such projects!